Do you still want to disseminate your research? We want to hear all about it!
We are an annual criminology and criminal justice research conference delivered virtually. The theme this year is…
A Wider Lens: Highlighting the Impact of Culture, Social Structures, and Community on Criminal Justice Issues
The fourth annual conference will run October 16 - 20, 2023.
The Call for Papers is now closed. We look forward to your submission for CrimCon24!
Registration for the conference is now closed.
Here is the final program for this year:
CrimCon23 Program
Click below to access the program for previous annual meetings:
2022 Conference
2021 Conference
For academics
The recent cancellations of both in-person conferences and funding opportunities to travel has left many without the ability to share their research. Presenting at conferences helps build skills and network with like-minded scholars. CrimCon’s online conference gives you the chance to do both.
For criminal justice practitioners
You want to share your agency’s experience and stay on top of the latest research, but in-person conferences cost time and money to attend . CrimCon’s online conference is free to attend and you can view only the sessions you want.
For the public
Have you ever wondered what academic research really looks like in criminology and criminal justice? Now you can find out. CrimCon is free and open to all. You do not need to be affiliated with a university or criminal justice agency to attend.
How our online conference works
Free as in information
We won’t charge anyone to submit presentations or view them. We believe science should be free to all.
Live & synchronous
Presentations will happen live, synchronously. We plan to use a webinar platform for registered attendees, plus a livestream that anyone can view.
Questions can be submitted by registered attendees and the general public. Conference organizers will curate questions, picking out only the best ones.
RECORDING NOTICE: Due to extensive variation in recording consent laws and current litigation for online platform recording practices, the Criminology Consortium has disabled the recording feature of all conference events. Attendees should be aware that Criminology Consortium cannot prevent other attendees from recording or capturing conference-related materials.